Aren't you tired of switching the names of your Marathon maps when you want to use a different one. Well no longer, just select the Map that you want to play and then select Marathon Map Namer from the apple menu and you are ready to play. And then do the same thing again to turn it's name back.
Three Ways to use it:
Smart way #1: Put it in the Automated Tasks folder, in the apple menu, and when ever you want to use it select the map that you want to Name "Map" then select Marathon Map Namer from the apple menu.
Smart way #2: Put it in the Marathon folder and when ever you want to use it, drag the map that you want to Name "Map" onto Marathon Map Namer, then you are ready to play.
Stupid way: Put it any where you want and dubble click Marathon Map Namer and select the map you want to change it's name to "Map". This takes way too long.
V.1.0: (9/3/96) Initial release.
If yo have any ideas on how to make this program better, or if you have any problems, e-mail me at:
On the Internet:
On America Online: Fiddle4
YOU USE THE SOFTWARE at YOUR OWN RISK, it sould not cause any problems, but this is here so you don't sue me.